The light house

My journey with Spirit has been a beautiful one that has spanned almost 40 years to date. To most people, this may sound like a very long time indeed, but in truth, it still feels like just yesterday that I first started to learn so much about my ‘true purpose’ in this life. I was a young boy in school and had just experienced a very deep and personal tragedy with the sudden loss of my mother, and it was at this moment of my life that I first became consciously aware of Spirit. As God’s Angels and so many other beings of Light came forward to make me aware of their presence, I found myself on an incredible journey - one that would change the course of my life, far beyond anything I could have imagined.
Spirit understood that I was very young and the caring way in which I found myself connecting, sharing thoughts, experiencing and learning from Spirit was completely mind-blowing - especially for someone as young as I was. It all started with teachings in my dream-state; almost every night, I would find myself meeting so many loving Beings of Light. .

Angelic Reiki

Angelic Healing is a beautiful, gentle and powerful spiritual healing system. It works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to our entire being and can bring about a significant improvement in many aspects of our lives. When you receive an Angel healing, you can experience the Angels' beautiful energy; during a healing session you may feel the presence of the Angels for yourself. Some people see colours, others feel energies, etc. It is a very relaxing experience and it can make you feel content, at total peace and empowered.
The client is lying down, relaxed and fully clothed. I bring in the various Angels' individual healing energies, depending on what is needed in a session. For the most part, the energies are brought in with the healer''s hands hovering over the body, however, there may be some hands-on healing as well - always ensuring your complete comfort.

MEDITATION (one-to-one and group sessions)

Meditation is a word used so often and by so many people across the world, that it can now mean almost anything you want it to depending on each persons position in their lives at any given time. For me, it's about a way of finding a special sense of closeness with yourself, but with a *higher purpose. I believe that we are all part of the 'oneness of God', and as such, we are all made of a beautiful light that defines and comes from God, and that this light shines from deep within our souls. What I mean by the 'higher purpose' is that through peaceful, quiet and still meditation, not only can we calm our physical and emotional being, but we are able to see, understand and accept that we are God - if we are all made of His light, then every part of us must be God. Through meditation, understanding and accepting this enables us to then focus on connecting with our life's true purpose and helps to bring happiness and peace into our everyday lives.
In a typical one-to-one session, I would first take a little time to understand your thoughts on your life as it is right now, and talk about what sort of meditation would work best for you. This is then a time for us to block out the outside world - just you, me and Spirit, helping you to achieve a higher state of mind that will give you the most peaceful, silent and still experience - most people 'wake up' from their meditative state feeling refreshed, incredibly content and many will feel quite emotional. It;'s a truly lovely 'special' time for you in our 24/7 busy modern day lives.

Makes you happier
Meditation causes the pituitary gland in our brain to secrete endorphins that help elevate mood and have a positive effect on the whole body. It also alters brain activity to enhance the area associated with positive emotional experiences.

Reduces stress
Endorphins also act as a means of reducing stress levels in the brain; so by meditating you can stop worrying about the little things in life and concentrate on the exploration of yourself and the promotion of positive feelings.

Indian Head Massage treatment

Total Bliss! This is a really lovely way to relax and be pampered - and is all about making the most of some special 'you time'. I'd ask you to lay down and with your head supported by pillows, I'd start to gently introduce some lovely oils to your face, neck and head - this treatment will allow you to drift away into your dreams, while experiencing something truly beautiful!

Hopi Ear Candle Treatment

Incredibly relaxing - and something a little bit different! This is one of my absolute favourites - and something that many people wish to experience again and again.
Laying down on your side, I'll insert a completely safe and traditional ear candle into your ear (we'll do both sides so that you have the full experience). You'll drift away while experiencing the natural sounds of the candle burning - many people feel as though they're relaxing in front of an open fire on a hot summer's evening - the sounds of the fire crackling will fill your ears, helping you to experience a deep and relaxing state of mind and body.
Once we've taken time to do this on both ears, you'll be treated to a truly lovely and gentle outer ear and face massage, focusing on pressure point and lymphatic drainage to help you feel 'new' and totally relaxed.

What Are The Costs?

Special discounted packages:
"Peacefulness" (Angelic Reiki plus Meditation, 90 mins): £60
"Stress Relief" (Indian Head Massage plus Hopi Ear Candle treatment, 90 mins): £60
Individual treatments:
- Angelic Reiki
- 45 mins (one to one), £40.
- Meditation
- 45 mins, (one to one) £30
- Indian Head Massage treatment
- 45 mins, (one to one, including oils) £36
- Hopi Ear Candle treatment
- 45 mins, (one to one, including oils) £36